Manufacturing Stained Glass in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Innovations

Stained glass windows have a long history that dates back more than a thousand years. Numerous developments throughout the years have altered both the manufacturing processes employed by manufacturers and the aesthetics of art glass windows. Just a handful of the significant advancements in stained glass history that took place throughout the 19th and 20th centuries are briefly described below:

Copper Foil Technique Louis Comfort Tiffany created

Most leaded glass windows were constructed using the lead came technique until Tiffany invented the copper foil process and other studios and producers followed it. In order to put together the whole piece of faceted glass, it essentially meant sliding a number of coloured glass pieces into lead channels. The use of copper foil in stained glass manufacturing made it possible to create three-dimensional pieces, including the lamps Tiffany became well-known for. In contrast to the wide bars that span the front of lead came windows, the lines that connect the panes of glass in these leaded windows were an essential feature of the design.

The Creation of the Gemmail Method

A advancement in the history of stained glass windows that is absolutely worth highlighting is the Gemmail method. Gemmail works, which were made in the 1930s by a French painter by the name of Jean Crotti, are distinct from both lead came and Tiffany style art glass windows in that there are no visible lines connecting the many faceted glass pieces. Instead, to make the finished piece, they are adhered in layers.

Lead-Free Substitutions

Many churches and other old structures still have leaded windows. However, worries about the harmful health consequences of lead and mercury have led several producers to look for alternatives. Modern polymers may be used to create art glass windows that mimic classic leaded glass but don’t contain any potentially toxic materials and won’t break. Even liquid leading and glass paints, which can be used to create nearly any window the look of stained glass, are now being produced by certain craft businesses.

This magnificent art form will continue to develop as glass bottle manufacturers USA find new methods to make it more affordable, faster, more durable, and safer to construct art windows. The effect that works of faceted glass have on all those who take the time to look and reflect upon them is probably something that won’t alter in 100 years or 1000.

When you desire the appearance of leaded glass windows in a shatter-resistant material that is devoid of hazardous chemicals, Stained Glass Inc. has hundreds of possibilities. Visit us online to see our extensive collection of stained glass and to discover more about our offerings.